A wireframe diagram of the orb


Welcome! This book serves as the spot that the Worldcoin Project hosts its documentation for developing software for the orb.

It also provides an inside look at our development practices, which helps increase transparency of the project and provide foundations for other contributors to the project to build on top of.

Who is this for?

The target audience of this documentation is for contributors to the orb-software repo or any of the other open source repos that pertain to the orb. We plan to accept contributions at a later date, but do not have bandwidth to review PRs currently.

Likewise, we are providing source code and documentation for the benefit of the community, but cannot commit to any SemVer or API stability guarantees. Be warned: we may change things in a backwards-incompatible way at any time!

Where is the code?

See the orb-software repo for the code.

This is a living document. If you are a contributor and wish to improve the documentation, simply open a PR! The source code for the mdBook lives here.

However, spam/noise/typo PRs will be ignored. Especially those from bots. Do not farm green github squares from us.