How we do open source

Worldcoin is committed to building a fully open source, decentralized ecosystem. In service of this goal, the entirety of the orb-software repo is open source under an MIT/Apache 2.0 dual license. You can read more about the project's open sourcing efforts here.

All source code for the Worldcoin Project lives under the worldcoin github organizaton.

Overview of private repos

To the maximum extent possible, we put all public code in the orb-software and orb-firmware repos. But we also maintain private repos, which contain code that is responsible for fraud detection or uses third party SDKs that we do not have a license to open source.

The most notable private repos are:

  • priv-orb-firmware. This repo contains the fraud sensitive parts of the firmware. It consumes the public orb-firmware repo as a dpenedency.
  • orb-internal. This repo contains the fraud sensitive parts of the user-space software. It consumes the public orb-software repo as a dependency.
  • priv-orb-core. This repo is the mainline branch of orb-core. Unlike the other repos, this is a fork of its public counterpart, orb-core. The public repo is therefore inherently less up to date and doesn't retain git history, as its code has all fraud-related codepaths manually deleted. One of the long-term goals is for these two repos to become un-forked, and most code consolidated into orb-software so that we can transition to developing orb-core directly in the open.
  • trustzone. This repo contains code related to the secure operating system OP-TEE that runs alongside linux inside ARM TrustZone. We plan to open source the OP-TEE CAs and TAs at some point in the future.-
  • orb-os. This repo is where we build the operating system image that runs on the orb. It consumes artifacts from all the other repos to assemble one final image.
  • orb-update-agent. Contains code for OTAing orbs. We plan to open source this by merging it into the orb-software repo.
  • orb-update-verifier. Contains code used during the OTA process to check that the update booted successfully. We plan to open source this by merging it into the orb-software repo.