Configuring custom pipeline tutorial

This subpage will walk you through you the steps you have to take to configure your custom IRISPipeline. From it you will learn how to:

  • Configure IRISPipeline algorithms parameters.

  • Configure IRISPipeline graph.

  • Implement your own node with Algorithm class and introduce them into IRISPipeline graph.

1. Configure IRISPipeline algorithms parameters.

To create the IRISPipeline object with modified Algorithm parameters, we have to understand a few things about IRISPipeline orchestration system.

When the IRISPipeline pipeline is created with default parameters, it’s graph is parsed from a default YAML file that is available in /src/iris/pipelines/confs/pipeline.yaml YAML file. The content of that file presents as follow.

pipeline_name: iris_pipeline
iris_version: 1.1.1

The top YAML file contains IRISPipeline metadata, used to both describe IRISPipeline and specify package parameters that are later used to verify compatibility between iris package version/release and later, specified in the pipeline YAML file section, pipeline’s graph.

    - name: segmentation
        class_name: iris.MultilabelSegmentation.create_from_hugging_face
        params: {}
        - name: image
            source_node: input
    - name: segmentation_binarization
            class_name: iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization
            params: {}
        - name: segmentation_map
            source_node: segmentation

The pipeline subsection contains a list of IRISPipeline nodes. The node definition has to contain following keys:

  • name - that’s node metadata information about node name. It’s used later to define connections with other defined nodes. Also, it’s worth to notice that the name key is later used by PipelineCallTraceStorage to store and return different intermediate results.

  • algorithm - that’s a key that contains a definition of a Python object that implements an algorithm we want to use in our pipeline.

  • algorithms.class_name - a Python object class name that implements iris.Algorithm interface (more information about Algorithm class will be provided in section 3 of this tutorial). Please note, that defined here Python object must be importable by Python interpreter. That means that Algorithm implementation doesn’t have to be implemented within iris package. User may implement or import it from any external library. The only constraint is that Algorithm interface must be satisfied to make everything compatible.

  • algorithms.params - that key defined a dictionary that contains all __init__ parameters of a given node - Algorithm object. List of parameters of nodes available in the iris package with their descriptions can be found in project documentation.

  • inputs - that key defined a list of inputs to node’s run method - connections between node within pipeline graph. A single input record has to contain following keys: ["name", "source_node"]. Optionally, an inputs record can contain an index key. It’s used whenever input node returns a tuple/list of objects and user wants to extract a certain output to be provided to run method of currently defined node. An example of a node definition that utilized index can look like follow:

- name: vectorization
      class_name: iris.ContouringAlgorithm
      params: {}
      - name: geometry_mask
        source_node: segmentation_binarization
        index: 0
  • - the Algorithm run method argument name that is meant to be filled with the output from the source_name.

  • inputs.source_name - a name of node that outputs input to currently defined node.

  • callbacks - a key that defines a list of possible iris.Callback object of a node. That key requires from an Algorithm object to allow callback plug in. User can allow that behaviour when specifying callbacks argument of the __init__ method of particular Algorithm.

NOTE: Nodes has to be defined consecutively with the order they appear within pipeline. That means that specifying source_name to the node which definition appears later within YAML file will cause exception being raised when instantiating pipeline.

A default pipeline configuration specified within YAML file can be found in /src/iris/pipelines/confs/pipeline.yaml.

Other then YAML file, user may defined and provide to __init__ method a Python dictionary with similar structure as described above YAML file.

Below examples shows how to modify iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization algorithm thresholds to use other than specified by default 0.5. The iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization __init__ method is defined as follow:

class MultilabelSegmentationBinarization(Algorithm):
    def __init__(
        eyeball_threshold: float = 0.5,
        iris_threshold: float = 0.5,
        pupil_threshold: float = 0.5,
        eyelashes_threshold: float = 0.5,
    ) -> None:

First let’s intantiate IRISPipeline with default configuration and see iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization threshold values.

default_pipeline_conf = {
    "metadata": {"pipeline_name": "iris_pipeline", "iris_version": "1.1.1"},
    "pipeline": [
            "name": "segmentation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentation.create_from_hugging_face", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
############################### A NODE, WHICH PARAMETERS WE WANT TO MODIFY ################################
            "name": "segmentation_binarization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "segmentation_map", "source_node": "segmentation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "vectorization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContouringAlgorithm", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 0}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "specular_reflection_detection",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.SpecularReflectionDetection", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "interpolation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourInterpolation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "polygons", "source_node": "vectorization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "distance_filter",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourPointNoiseEyeballDistanceFilter", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "interpolation"},
                {"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_orientation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MomentOfArea", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_center_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.BisectorsMethod", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "smoothing",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.Smoothing", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "distance_filter"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "geometry_estimation",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.FusionExtrapolation",
                "params": {
                    "circle_extrapolation": {"class_name": "iris.LinearExtrapolation", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "ellipse_fit": {"class_name": "iris.LSQEllipseFitWithRefinement", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "algorithm_switch_std_threshold": 3.5,
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "input_polygons", "source_node": "smoothing"},
                {"name": "eye_center", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "pupil_to_iris_property_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PupilIrisPropertyCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "offgaze_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.EccentricityOffgazeEstimation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion90_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 90.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion30_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 30.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "noise_masks_aggregation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.NoiseMaskUnion", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "elements",
                    "source_node": [
                        {"name": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                        {"name": "specular_reflection_detection"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "normalization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PerspectiveNormalization", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "noise_masks_aggregation"},
                {"name": "extrapolated_contours", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "filter_bank",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.ConvFilterBank",
                "params": {
                    "filters": [
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [41, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 7,
                                "sigma_rho": 6.13,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 28.0,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [17, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 2,
                                "sigma_rho": 5.86,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 8,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                    "probe_schemas": [
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "normalization_output", "source_node": "normalization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "encoder",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisEncoder", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "response", "source_node": "filter_bank"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "bounding_box_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisBBoxCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "geometry_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,

Instantiate IRISPipeline object.

iris_pipeline = iris.IRISPipeline(config=default_pipeline_conf)

Print iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization threshold values.

def print_segmentation_binarization_thresholds():
    binarization_node = [node for node_name, node in iris_pipeline.nodes.items() if node_name == "segmentation_binarization"]

    assert len(binarization_node) == 1

    binarization_node = binarization_node[0]


Output: eyeball_threshold=0.5 iris_threshold=0.5 pupil_threshold=0.5 eyelashes_threshold=0.5

As expected all threshold values are set to default 0.5 value. Now, let’s modify those values to be equal to 0.1.

new_pipeline_conf = {
    "metadata": {"pipeline_name": "iris_pipeline", "iris_version": "1.1.1"},
    "pipeline": [
            "name": "segmentation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentation.create_from_hugging_face", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
############################### A NODE, WHICH PARAMETERS WE WANT TO MODIFY ################################
            "name": "segmentation_binarization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization", "params": {
                "eyeball_threshold": 0.1,
                "iris_threshold": 0.1,
                "pupil_threshold": 0.1,
                "eyelashes_threshold": 0.1}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "segmentation_map", "source_node": "segmentation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "vectorization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContouringAlgorithm", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 0}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "specular_reflection_detection",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.SpecularReflectionDetection", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "interpolation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourInterpolation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "polygons", "source_node": "vectorization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "distance_filter",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourPointNoiseEyeballDistanceFilter", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "interpolation"},
                {"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_orientation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MomentOfArea", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_center_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.BisectorsMethod", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "smoothing",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.Smoothing", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "distance_filter"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "geometry_estimation",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.FusionExtrapolation",
                "params": {
                    "circle_extrapolation": {"class_name": "iris.LinearExtrapolation", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "ellipse_fit": {"class_name": "iris.LSQEllipseFitWithRefinement", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "algorithm_switch_std_threshold": 3.5,
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "input_polygons", "source_node": "smoothing"},
                {"name": "eye_center", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "pupil_to_iris_property_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PupilIrisPropertyCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "offgaze_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.EccentricityOffgazeEstimation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion90_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 90.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion30_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 30.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "noise_masks_aggregation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.NoiseMaskUnion", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "elements",
                    "source_node": [
                        {"name": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                        {"name": "specular_reflection_detection"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "normalization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PerspectiveNormalization", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "noise_masks_aggregation"},
                {"name": "extrapolated_contours", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "filter_bank",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.ConvFilterBank",
                "params": {
                    "filters": [
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [41, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 7,
                                "sigma_rho": 6.13,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 28.0,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [17, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 2,
                                "sigma_rho": 5.86,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 8,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                    "probe_schemas": [
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "normalization_output", "source_node": "normalization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "encoder",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisEncoder", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "response", "source_node": "filter_bank"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "bounding_box_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisBBoxCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "geometry_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,

Reinstantiate IRISPipeline object.

iris_pipeline = iris.IRISPipeline(config=new_pipeline_conf)

Print iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization threshold values.


Output: eyeball_threshold=0.1 iris_threshold=0.1 pupil_threshold=0.1 eyelashes_threshold=0.1

Perfect! We’ve just learned how to modify IRISPipeline algorithms parameters. Now, let’s have a look how to modify IRISPipeline node connections.

2. Configure IRISPipeline graph.

As described in previous section to define connection between nodes, we utilize inputs key within our YAML file or dictionary. Similar to previous tutorial, let’s start with instantiating a default IRISPipeline and then modify “artificially” for demonstration purposes connections between distance_filter (iris.ContourPointNoiseEyeballDistanceFilter), smoothing (iris.Smoothing) and geometry_estimation (iris.FusionExtrapolation) nodes.

By default, smoothing node, responsible for refinement of vectorized iris and pupil points is taking as an input the output of distance_filter nodes, which btw is also doing refinement of vectorized iris and pupil points but of course a different one. The output of smoothing node is later passed to final geometry_estimation node as an input. Within commented section below user can follow that connection. Now, in this example let’s imagine we want to bypass smoothing node and perform geometry_estimation based on the output of distance_filter node while still keeping smoothing node.

First let’s instantiate IRISPipeline with default configuration and see nodes connected to geometry_estimation node.

default_pipeline_conf = {
    "metadata": {"pipeline_name": "iris_pipeline", "iris_version": "1.1.1"},
    "pipeline": [
            "name": "segmentation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentation.create_from_hugging_face", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "segmentation_binarization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization", "params": {
                "eyeball_threshold": 0.1,
                "iris_threshold": 0.1,
                "pupil_threshold": 0.1,
                "eyelashes_threshold": 0.1}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "segmentation_map", "source_node": "segmentation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "vectorization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContouringAlgorithm", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 0}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "specular_reflection_detection",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.SpecularReflectionDetection", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "interpolation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourInterpolation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "polygons", "source_node": "vectorization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
############################### A NODE, WHICH PARAMETERS WE WANT TO MODIFY ################################
            "name": "distance_filter",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourPointNoiseEyeballDistanceFilter", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "interpolation"},
                {"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_orientation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MomentOfArea", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_center_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.BisectorsMethod", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "smoothing",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.Smoothing", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "distance_filter"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "geometry_estimation",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.FusionExtrapolation",
                "params": {
                    "circle_extrapolation": {"class_name": "iris.LinearExtrapolation", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "ellipse_fit": {"class_name": "iris.LSQEllipseFitWithRefinement", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "algorithm_switch_std_threshold": 3.5,
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "input_polygons", "source_node": "smoothing"},
                {"name": "eye_center", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "pupil_to_iris_property_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PupilIrisPropertyCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "offgaze_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.EccentricityOffgazeEstimation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion90_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 90.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion30_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 30.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "noise_masks_aggregation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.NoiseMaskUnion", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "elements",
                    "source_node": [
                        {"name": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                        {"name": "specular_reflection_detection"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "normalization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PerspectiveNormalization", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "noise_masks_aggregation"},
                {"name": "extrapolated_contours", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "filter_bank",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.ConvFilterBank",
                "params": {
                    "filters": [
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [41, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 7,
                                "sigma_rho": 6.13,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 28.0,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [17, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 2,
                                "sigma_rho": 5.86,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 8,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                    "probe_schemas": [
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "normalization_output", "source_node": "normalization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "encoder",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisEncoder", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "response", "source_node": "filter_bank"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "bounding_box_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisBBoxCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "geometry_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,

Instantiate IRISPipeline object.

iris_pipeline = iris.IRISPipeline(config=default_pipeline_conf)

Print geometry_estimation input nodes name.

def print_geometry_estimation_inputs():
    geometry_estimation_node = [node for node in iris_pipeline.params.pipeline if == "geometry_estimation"]

    assert len(geometry_estimation_node) == 1

    geometry_estimation_node = geometry_estimation_node[0]


Output: [PipelineInput(name='input_polygons', index=None, source_node='smoothing'), PipelineInput(name='eye_center', index=None, source_node='eye_center_estimation')]

As expected, input_polygons argument of the run method is taken from the smoothing output. Let’s modify it to described before behaviour - input_polygons argument of the run method is take from the distance_filter output.

new_pipeline_conf = {
    "metadata": {"pipeline_name": "iris_pipeline", "iris_version": "1.1.1"},
    "pipeline": [
            "name": "segmentation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentation.create_from_hugging_face", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "segmentation_binarization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MultilabelSegmentationBinarization", "params": {
                "eyeball_threshold": 0.1,
                "iris_threshold": 0.1,
                "pupil_threshold": 0.1,
                "eyelashes_threshold": 0.1}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "segmentation_map", "source_node": "segmentation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "vectorization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContouringAlgorithm", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 0}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "specular_reflection_detection",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.SpecularReflectionDetection", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "interpolation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourInterpolation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "polygons", "source_node": "vectorization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
############################### A NODE, WHICH PARAMETERS WE WANT TO MODIFY ################################
            "name": "distance_filter",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.ContourPointNoiseEyeballDistanceFilter", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "interpolation"},
                {"name": "geometry_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_orientation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.MomentOfArea", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "eye_center_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.BisectorsMethod", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "distance_filter"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "smoothing",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.Smoothing", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "polygons", "source_node": "distance_filter"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "geometry_estimation",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.FusionExtrapolation",
                "params": {
                    "circle_extrapolation": {"class_name": "iris.LinearExtrapolation", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "ellipse_fit": {"class_name": "iris.LSQEllipseFitWithRefinement", "params": {"dphi": 0.703125}},
                    "algorithm_switch_std_threshold": 3.5,
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "input_polygons", "source_node": "distance_filter"},
                {"name": "eye_center", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "pupil_to_iris_property_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PupilIrisPropertyCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "offgaze_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.EccentricityOffgazeEstimation", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "geometries", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion90_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 90.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "occlusion30_calculator",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.OcclusionCalculator", "params": {"quantile_angle": 30.0}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                {"name": "extrapolated_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
                {"name": "eye_centers", "source_node": "eye_center_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "noise_masks_aggregation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.NoiseMaskUnion", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                    "name": "elements",
                    "source_node": [
                        {"name": "segmentation_binarization", "index": 1},
                        {"name": "specular_reflection_detection"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "normalization",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.PerspectiveNormalization", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "noise_mask", "source_node": "noise_masks_aggregation"},
                {"name": "extrapolated_contours", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
                {"name": "eye_orientation", "source_node": "eye_orientation"},
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "filter_bank",
            "algorithm": {
                "class_name": "iris.ConvFilterBank",
                "params": {
                    "filters": [
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [41, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 7,
                                "sigma_rho": 6.13,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 28.0,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                            "class_name": "iris.GaborFilter",
                            "params": {
                                "kernel_size": [17, 21],
                                "sigma_phi": 2,
                                "sigma_rho": 5.86,
                                "theta_degrees": 90.0,
                                "lambda_phi": 8,
                                "dc_correction": True,
                                "to_fixpoints": True,
                    "probe_schemas": [
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
                        {"class_name": "iris.RegularProbeSchema", "params": {"n_rows": 16, "n_cols": 256}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "normalization_output", "source_node": "normalization"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "encoder",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisEncoder", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [{"name": "response", "source_node": "filter_bank"}],
            "callbacks": None,
            "name": "bounding_box_estimation",
            "algorithm": {"class_name": "iris.IrisBBoxCalculator", "params": {}},
            "inputs": [
                {"name": "ir_image", "source_node": "input"},
                {"name": "geometry_polygons", "source_node": "geometry_estimation"},
            "callbacks": None,

Reinstantiate IRISPipeline object.

iris_pipeline = iris.IRISPipeline(config=new_pipeline_conf)

Print geometry_estimation input nodes name.


Output: [PipelineInput(name='input_polygons', index=None, source_node='distance_filter'), PipelineInput(name='eye_center', index=None, source_node='eye_center_estimation')]

Perfect! Now, we can see that geometry_estimation will use the output of distance_filter node as an input. Last but not least, before concluding this tutorial, we have to learn how to implement our own custom nodes that can be plugged to IRISPipeline.

3. Implement your own node with Algorithm class and introduce them into IRISPipeline graph.

The Algorithm class is an abstract class that is a base class for every node and IRISPipeline in the iris packages. It’s defined as follow:

class Algorithm(abc.ABC):
    """Base class of every node of the iris recognition pipeline."""

    class Parameters(ImmutableModel):
        """Default parameters."""


    __parameters_type__ = Parameters

    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Init function."""
        self._callbacks: List[Callback] = []

        if "callbacks" in kwargs.keys():
            self._callbacks = deepcopy(kwargs["callbacks"])
            del kwargs["callbacks"]

        self.params = self.__parameters_type__(**kwargs)

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        """Make an object a functor.

            Any: Object specified by an interface.
        return self.execute(*args, **kwargs)

    def execute(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        """Execute method and wrapped with hooks if such are specified.

            Any: Object specified by an interface.
        for callback_func in self._callbacks:
            callback_func.on_execute_start(*args, **kwargs)

        result =*args, **kwargs)

        for callback_func in self._callbacks:

        return result

    def run(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        """Implement method design pattern. Not overwritten by subclass will raise an error.

            NotImplementedError: Raised if subclass doesn't implement `run` method.

            Any: Return value by concrete implementation of the `run` method.
        raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__}.run method not implemented!")

There are 3 important things to note that have direct implications on how user have to implement custom Algorithm:

  • The run method - If we implement our own custom Algorithm we have to make sure that run method is implemented. Other then that, already mentioned callbacks.

  • The __parameters_type__ variable - In our code base, we use pydantic package to perform validation of Algorithm __init__ parameters. To simplify and hide behind the screen those mechanisms, we introduced this variable.

  • The callbacks special key that can be provided in the __init__ method. As already mentioned before, if we want to turn on in our Algorithm callbacks mechanisms, we have to specify special - callbacks - parameter in that Algorithm __init__ method.

In this section, we won’t provide examples since there are plenty of them within the iris package. Plus, we also want to encourage you to explore the iris package by yourself. Therefore, for examples of concrete Algorithm implementations, please check iris.nodes submodule of the iris package.

Thank you for making it to the end of this tutorial!