from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field
from import Algorithm
from import EyeCenters, GeometryPolygons
from import EyeCentersEstimationError
[docs]class BisectorsMethod(Algorithm):
"""Implementation of eye's center estimation algorithm using bisectors method for finding a circle center.
This algorithm samples a given number of bisectors from the pupil and iris polygons, and averages their intersection
to produce the polygon center. This method is robust against noise in the polygons, making it a good choice for
non-perfect shapes. It is also robust to polygons missing parts of the circle arc, making it a good choice for
partially-occluded shapes.
The iris and pupil can be approximated to circles, when the user is properly gazing at the camera.
This requires that the cases of off-gaze have already been filtered out.
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters):
"""Default Parameters for BisectorsMethod algorithm."""
num_bisectors: int = Field(..., gt=0)
min_distance_between_sector_points: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=1.0)
max_iterations: int = Field(..., gt=0)
__parameters_type__ = Parameters
def __init__(
num_bisectors: int = 100,
min_distance_between_sector_points: float = 0.75,
max_iterations: int = 50,
) -> None:
"""Assign parameters.
num_bisectors (int, optional): Number of bisectors.. Defaults to 100.
min_distance_between_sector_points (float, optional): Minimum distance between sectors expressed as a fractional value of a circular shape diameter. Defaults to 0.75.
max_iterations (int, optional): Max iterations for bisector search.. Defaults to 50.
[docs] def run(self, geometries: GeometryPolygons) -> EyeCenters:
"""Estimate eye's iris and pupil centers.
geometries (GeometryPolygons): Geometry polygons.
EyeCenters: Eye's centers object.
pupil_center_x, pupil_center_y = self._find_center_coords(geometries.pupil_array, geometries.pupil_diameter)
iris_center_x, iris_center_y = self._find_center_coords(geometries.iris_array, geometries.iris_diameter)
return EyeCenters(pupil_x=pupil_center_x, pupil_y=pupil_center_y, iris_x=iris_center_x, iris_y=iris_center_y)
def _find_center_coords(self, polygon: np.ndarray, diameter: float) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Find center coordinates of a polygon.
polygon (np.ndarray): np.ndarray.
diameter (float): diameter of the polygon.
Tuple[float, float]: Tuple with the center location coordinates (x, y).
min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px = self.params.min_distance_between_sector_points * diameter
first_bisectors_point, second_bisectors_point = self._calculate_perpendicular_bisectors(
polygon, min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px
return self._find_best_intersection(first_bisectors_point, second_bisectors_point)
def _calculate_perpendicular_bisectors(
self, polygon: np.ndarray, min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px: float
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Calculate the perpendicular bisector of self.params.num_bisectors randomly chosen points from a polygon's vertices.
A pair of points is used if their distance is larger then min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px.
polygon (np.ndarray): np.ndarray based on which we are searching the center of a circular shape.
min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px (float): Minimum distance between sector points.
EyeCentersEstimationError: Raised if not able to find enough random pairs of points on the arc with a large enough distance!
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Calculated perpendicular bisectors.
bisectors_first_points = np.empty([0, 2])
bisectors_second_points = np.empty([0, 2])
for _ in range(self.params.max_iterations):
random_indices = np.random.choice(len(polygon), size=(self.params.num_bisectors, 2))
first_drawn_points = polygon[random_indices[:, 0]]
second_drawn_points = polygon[random_indices[:, 1]]
norms = np.linalg.norm(first_drawn_points - second_drawn_points, axis=1)
mask = norms > min_distance_between_sector_points_in_px
bisectors_first_points = np.vstack([bisectors_first_points, first_drawn_points[mask]])
bisectors_second_points = np.vstack([bisectors_second_points, second_drawn_points[mask]])
if len(bisectors_first_points) >= self.params.num_bisectors:
raise EyeCentersEstimationError(
"Not able to find enough random pairs of points on the arc with a large enough distance!"
bisectors_first_points = bisectors_first_points[: self.params.num_bisectors]
bisectors_second_points = bisectors_second_points[: self.params.num_bisectors]
bisectors_center = (bisectors_first_points + bisectors_second_points) / 2
# Flip xs with ys and flip sign of on of them to create a 90deg rotation
inv_bisectors_center_slope = np.fliplr(bisectors_second_points - bisectors_first_points)
inv_bisectors_center_slope[:, 1] = -inv_bisectors_center_slope[:, 1]
# Add perpendicular vector to center and normalize
norm = np.linalg.norm(inv_bisectors_center_slope, axis=1)
inv_bisectors_center_slope[:, 0] /= norm
inv_bisectors_center_slope[:, 1] /= norm
first_bisectors_point = bisectors_center - inv_bisectors_center_slope
second_bisectors_point = bisectors_center + inv_bisectors_center_slope
return first_bisectors_point, second_bisectors_point
def _find_best_intersection(self, fst_points: np.ndarray, sec_points: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""fst_points and sec_points are NxD arrays defining N lines. D is the dimension of the space.
This function returns the least squares intersection of the N lines from the system given by eq. 13 in
fst_points (np.ndarray): First bisectors points.
sec_points (np.ndarray): Second bisectors points.
Tuple[float, float]: Best intersection point.
norm_bisectors = (sec_points - fst_points) / np.linalg.norm(sec_points - fst_points, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# Generate the array of all projectors I - n*n.T
projections = np.eye(norm_bisectors.shape[1]) - norm_bisectors[:, :, np.newaxis] * norm_bisectors[:, np.newaxis]
# Generate R matrix and q vector
R = projections.sum(axis=0)
q = (projections @ fst_points[:, :, np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0)
# Solve the least squares problem for the intersection point p: Rp = q
p = np.linalg.lstsq(R, q, rcond=None)[0]
intersection_x, intersection_y = p
return intersection_x.item(), intersection_y.item()