Source code for iris.nodes.eye_properties_estimation.moment_of_area

import cv2
from pydantic import Field

import iris.utils.math as math_utils
from import Algorithm
from import EyeOrientation, GeometryPolygons
from import EyeOrientationEstimationError

[docs]class MomentOfArea(Algorithm): """Estimate the eye orientation using the second order moments of the eyeball polygon. The eye orientation refers to the horizontal direction of the eye. It comes useful for determining the partial eye occlusion (e.g. occlusion at the horizontal middle third of the iris). References: [1] [2] """
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters): """MomentOfArea parameters. eccentricity_threshold: float in [0, 1]. The threshold below which a shape is considered not linear enough to reliably estimate its orientation. """ eccentricity_threshold: float = Field(ge=0.0, le=1.0)
__parameters_type__ = Parameters def __init__(self, eccentricity_threshold: float = 0.1) -> None: """Assign parameters. Args: eccentricity_threshold: float in [0, 1]. The threshold below which a shape is considered not linear enough to reliably estimate its orientation. Defaults to 0.1. """ super().__init__(eccentricity_threshold=eccentricity_threshold)
[docs] def run(self, geometries: GeometryPolygons) -> EyeOrientation: """Compute the eye orientation using the second order moments or the eyeball. WARNING: cv2.moments MUST only receive np.float32 arrays. Otherwise, the array will be interpreted as a sparse matrix instead of a list of points. See Args: geometries (GeometryPolygons): segmentation map used for eye orientation estimation. Raises: EyeOrientationEstimationError if the eyeball's eccentricity is below `eccentricity_threshold` i.e. if the eyeball shape is not circular enough to reliably estimate the orientation. Returns: EyeOrientation: eye orientation object. """ moments = cv2.moments(geometries.eyeball_array) eccentricity = math_utils.eccentricity(moments) if eccentricity < self.params.eccentricity_threshold: raise EyeOrientationEstimationError( "The eyeball is too circular to reliably determine its orientation. " f"Computed eccentricity: {eccentricity}. Threshold: {self.params.eccentricity_threshold}" ) orientation = math_utils.orientation(moments) return EyeOrientation(angle=orientation)