Source code for iris.nodes.eye_properties_estimation.occlusion_calculator

from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field

from iris.callbacks.callback_interface import Callback
from import Algorithm
from import EyeCenters, EyeOcclusion, EyeOrientation, GeometryPolygons, NoiseMask
from iris.utils import common, math

[docs]class OcclusionCalculator(Algorithm): """Calculate the eye occlusion value. This algorithm computes the fraction of visible iris in an image based on extrapolated polygons and the various noise masks. For an occlusion of 0, the iris is completely occluded. For an occlusion of 1, the iris is completely visible For historical reasons, this remained called "Occlusion", while it more precisely refers to the "Opening" of the eye. The parameter `quantile_angle` refers to the zone of the iris to consider for the occlusion computation. This is because the middle horizontal third of the iris is usually more useful, since less likely to be occluded by the eyelids. For a `quantile_angle` of 90º, the entire iris will be considered. For a `quantile_angle` of 30º, the horizontal middle third of the iris will be considered. For a `quantile_angle` of 0º, nothing will be considered (limit value). """
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters): """Default OcclusionCalculator parameters.""" quantile_angle: float = Field(..., ge=0.0, le=90.0)
__parameters_type__ = Parameters def __init__(self, quantile_angle: float, callbacks: List[Callback] = []) -> None: """Assign parameters. Args: quantile_angle (float): Quantile angle for estimating the area in which we want to calculate the visible fraction value in degrees. callbacks (List[Callback]): callbacks list. Defaults to []. """ super().__init__(quantile_angle=quantile_angle, callbacks=callbacks)
[docs] def run( self, extrapolated_polygons: GeometryPolygons, noise_mask: NoiseMask, eye_orientation: EyeOrientation, eye_centers: EyeCenters, ) -> EyeOcclusion: """Compute the iris visible fraction. Args: extrapolated_polygons (GeometryPolygons): Extrapolated polygons contours. noise_mask (NoiseMask): Noise mask. eye_orientation (EyeOrientation): Eye orientation angle. eye_centers (EyeCenters): Eye centers. Returns: EyeOcclusion: Visible iris fraction. """ if self.params.quantile_angle == 0.0: return EyeOcclusion(visible_fraction=0.0) img_h, img_w = noise_mask.mask.shape frame = np.array([[0, 0], [0, img_h], [img_w, img_h], [img_w, 0], [0, 0]]) # Offset all points by the minimum value to avoid negative indices all_points = np.concatenate( [ extrapolated_polygons.iris_array, extrapolated_polygons.eyeball_array, extrapolated_polygons.pupil_array, frame, ] ) offset = np.floor(all_points.min(axis=0)) # Negative or null total_mask_shape = (np.ceil(all_points.max(axis=0)) - offset).astype(int) overflow = np.ceil(all_points.max(axis=0)) - (img_w, img_h) pads = np.array([(-offset[1], overflow[1]), (-offset[0], overflow[0])]).astype(int) offseted_noise_mask = np.pad(noise_mask.mask, pads) xs2mask, ys2mask = self._get_quantile_points(extrapolated_polygons.iris_array, eye_orientation, eye_centers) iris_mask_quantile = common.contour_to_mask( np.column_stack([xs2mask, ys2mask]) - offset, mask_shape=total_mask_shape ) pupil_mask = common.contour_to_mask(extrapolated_polygons.pupil_array - offset, mask_shape=total_mask_shape) eyeball_mask = common.contour_to_mask(extrapolated_polygons.eyeball_array - offset, mask_shape=total_mask_shape) frame_mask = common.contour_to_mask(frame - offset, mask_shape=total_mask_shape) visible_iris_mask = iris_mask_quantile & ~pupil_mask & eyeball_mask & ~offseted_noise_mask & frame_mask extrapolated_iris_mask = iris_mask_quantile & ~pupil_mask if extrapolated_iris_mask.sum() == 0: return EyeOcclusion(visible_fraction=0.0) visible_fraction = visible_iris_mask.sum() / extrapolated_iris_mask.sum() return EyeOcclusion(visible_fraction=visible_fraction)
def _get_quantile_points( self, iris_coords: np.ndarray, eye_orientation: EyeOrientation, eye_centers: EyeCenters ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Get those iris's points which fall into a specified quantile. Args: iris_coords (np.ndarray): Iris polygon coordinates. eye_orientation: (EyeOrientation): Eye orientation. eye_centers: (EyeCenters): Eye centers. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Tuple with xs and ys that falls into quantile region. """ orientation_angle = np.degrees(eye_orientation.angle) num_rotations = -round(orientation_angle * len(iris_coords) / 360.0) iris_xs, iris_ys = iris_coords[:, 0], iris_coords[:, 1] iris_rhos, iris_phis = math.cartesian2polar(iris_xs, iris_ys, eye_centers.iris_x, eye_centers.iris_y) iris_phis = np.roll(iris_phis, num_rotations, axis=0) iris_rhos = np.roll(iris_rhos, num_rotations, axis=0) scaled_quantile = round(self.params.quantile_angle * len(iris_coords) / 360.0) phis2mask = np.concatenate( [ iris_phis[:scaled_quantile], iris_phis[-scaled_quantile:], iris_phis[len(iris_phis) // 2 : len(iris_phis) // 2 + scaled_quantile], iris_phis[len(iris_phis) // 2 - scaled_quantile : len(iris_phis) // 2], ] ) rhos2mask = np.concatenate( [ iris_rhos[:scaled_quantile], iris_rhos[-scaled_quantile:], iris_rhos[len(iris_rhos) // 2 : len(iris_rhos) // 2 + scaled_quantile], iris_rhos[len(iris_rhos) // 2 - scaled_quantile : len(iris_rhos) // 2], ] ) phis2mask, rhos2mask = zip(*sorted(zip(phis2mask, rhos2mask))) xs2mask, ys2mask = math.polar2cartesian(rhos2mask, phis2mask, eye_centers.iris_x, eye_centers.iris_y) return xs2mask, ys2mask