Source code for iris.nodes.geometry_estimation.linear_extrapolation

from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field

from iris.callbacks.callback_interface import Callback
from import Algorithm
from import EyeCenters, GeometryPolygons
from iris.utils import math

[docs]class LinearExtrapolation(Algorithm): """Implementation of geometry estimation algorithm through linear extrapolation in polar space. Algorithm depends on np.interp therefore it's better to perform smoothing beforehand. Algorith steps: 1) Map iris/pupil polygon vertices to polar space based on estimated iris/pupil centers. 2) For iris/pupil, perform function interpolation in polar space to estimate missing circle points. Note: interpolation in polar space is extrapolation in cartesian space. 3) Take 2 * np.pi / dphi points from function in polar space. 4) Map iris/pupil points from polar space back to cartesian space. """
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters): """Parameters of linear extrapolation algorithm.""" dphi: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=360.0)
__parameters_type__ = Parameters def __init__(self, dphi: float = 0.9, callbacks: List[Callback] = []) -> None: """Assign parameters. Args: dphi (float, optional): phi angle delta used to sample points while doing smoothing by interpolation. Defaults to 0.9. callbacks (List[Callback]): callbacks list. Defaults to []. """ super().__init__(dphi=dphi, callbacks=callbacks)
[docs] def run(self, input_polygons: GeometryPolygons, eye_center: EyeCenters) -> GeometryPolygons: """Estimate contours. Args: input_polygons (GeometryPolygons): Input contours. eye_center (EyeCenters): Eye's centers. Returns: GeometryPolygons: Extrapolated contours. """ estimated_pupil = self._estimate(input_polygons.pupil_array, (eye_center.pupil_x, eye_center.pupil_y)) estimated_iris = self._estimate(input_polygons.iris_array, (eye_center.iris_x, eye_center.iris_y)) return GeometryPolygons( pupil_array=estimated_pupil, iris_array=estimated_iris, eyeball_array=input_polygons.eyeball_array )
def _estimate(self, vertices: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: """Estimate a circle fit for a single contour. Args: vertices (np.ndarray): Contour's vertices. center_xy (Tuple[float, float]): Contour's center position. Returns: np.ndarray: Estimated polygon. """ rhos, phis = math.cartesian2polar(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], *center_xy) padded_rhos = np.concatenate([rhos, rhos, rhos]) padded_phis = np.concatenate([phis - 2 * np.pi, phis, phis + 2 * np.pi]) interpolated_phis = np.arange(padded_phis.min(), padded_phis.max(), np.radians(self.params.dphi)) interpolated_rhos = np.interp(interpolated_phis, xp=padded_phis, fp=padded_rhos, period=2 * np.pi) mask = (interpolated_phis >= 0) & (interpolated_phis < 2 * np.pi) interpolated_phis, interpolated_rhos = interpolated_phis[mask], interpolated_rhos[mask] xs, ys = math.polar2cartesian(interpolated_rhos, interpolated_phis, *center_xy) estimated_vertices = np.column_stack([xs, ys]) return estimated_vertices