Source code for iris.nodes.geometry_refinement.smoothing

from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field

from import Algorithm
from import EyeCenters, GeometryPolygons
from import GeometryRefinementError
from iris.utils import math

[docs]class Smoothing(Algorithm): """Implementation of contour smoothing algorithm. Algorithm steps: 1) Map iris/pupil points to polar space based on estimated iris/pupil centers. 2) Smooth iris/pupil contour by applying 1D convolution with rolling median kernel approach. 3) Map points back to cartesian space from polar space. """
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters): """Smoothing parameters class.""" dphi: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=360.0) kernel_size: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=360.0) gap_threshold: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=360.0)
__parameters_type__ = Parameters def __init__(self, dphi: float = 1.0, kernel_size: float = 10.0, gap_threshold: float = 10.0) -> None: """Assign parameters. Args: dphi (float, optional): phi angle delta used to sample points while doing smoothing by interpolation. Defaults to 1.0. kernel_size (float, optional): Rolling median kernel size expressed in radians. Final kernel size is computed as a quotient of kernel_size and dphi. Defaults to 10.0. gap_threshold (float, optional): Gap threshold distance. Defaults to None. Defaults to 10.0. """ super().__init__(dphi=dphi, kernel_size=kernel_size, gap_threshold=gap_threshold) @property def kernel_offset(self) -> int: """Kernel offset (distance from kernel center to border) property used when smoothing with rolling median. If a quotient is less then 1 then kernel size equal to 1 is returned. Returns: int: Kernel size. """ return max(1, int((np.radians(self.params.kernel_size) / np.radians(self.params.dphi))) // 2)
[docs] def run(self, polygons: GeometryPolygons, eye_centers: EyeCenters) -> GeometryPolygons: """Perform smoothing refinement. Args: polygons (GeometryPolygons): Contours to refine. eye_centers (EyeCenters): Eye center used when performing a coordinates mapping from cartesian space to polar space. Returns: GeometryPolygons: Smoothed contours. """ pupil_arcs = self._smooth(polygons.pupil_array, (eye_centers.pupil_x, eye_centers.pupil_y)) iris_arcs = self._smooth(polygons.iris_array, (eye_centers.iris_x, eye_centers.iris_y)) return GeometryPolygons(pupil_array=pupil_arcs, iris_array=iris_arcs, eyeball_array=polygons.eyeball_array)
def _smooth(self, polygon: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: """Smooth a single contour. Args: polygon (np.ndarray): Contour to smooth. center_xy (Tuple[float, float]): Contour's center. Returns: np.ndarray: Smoothed contour's vertices. """ arcs, num_gaps = self._cut_into_arcs(polygon, center_xy) arcs = ( self._smooth_circular_shape(arcs[0], center_xy) if num_gaps == 0 else np.vstack([self._smooth_arc(arc, center_xy) for arc in arcs if len(arc) >= 2]) ) return arcs def _cut_into_arcs(self, polygon: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], int]: """Cut contour into arcs. Args: polygon (np.ndarray): Contour polygon. center_xy (Tuple[float, float]): Polygon's center. Returns: Tuple[List[np.ndarray], int]: Tuple with: (list of list of vertices, number of gaps detected in a contour). """ rho, phi = math.cartesian2polar(polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 1], *center_xy) phi, rho = self._sort_two_arrays(phi, rho) differences = np.abs(phi - np.roll(phi, -1)) # True distance between first and last point differences[-1] = 2 * np.pi - differences[-1] gap_indices = np.argwhere(differences > np.radians(self.params.gap_threshold)).flatten() if gap_indices.size < 2: return [polygon], gap_indices.size gap_indices += 1 phi, rho = np.split(phi, gap_indices), np.split(rho, gap_indices) arcs = [ np.column_stack(math.polar2cartesian(rho_coords, phi_coords, *center_xy)) for rho_coords, phi_coords in zip(rho, phi) ] # Connect arc which lies between 0 and 2π. if len(arcs) == gap_indices.size + 1: arcs[0] = np.vstack([arcs[0], arcs[-1]]) arcs = arcs[:-1] return arcs, gap_indices.size def _smooth_arc(self, vertices: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: """Smooth a single contour arc. Args: vertices (np.ndarray): Arc's vertices. center_xy (Tuple[float, float]): Center of an entire contour. Returns: np.ndarray: Smoothed arc's vertices. """ rho, phi = math.cartesian2polar(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], *center_xy) phi, rho = self._sort_two_arrays(phi, rho) idx = self._find_start_index(phi) offset = phi[idx] relative_phi = (phi - offset) % (2 * np.pi) smoothed_relative_phi, smoothed_rho = self._smooth_array(relative_phi, rho) smoothed_phi = (smoothed_relative_phi + offset) % (2 * np.pi) x_smoothed, y_smoothed = math.polar2cartesian(smoothed_rho, smoothed_phi, *center_xy) return np.column_stack([x_smoothed, y_smoothed]) def _smooth_circular_shape(self, vertices: np.ndarray, center_xy: Tuple[float, float]) -> np.ndarray: """Smooth arc in a form of a circular shape. Args: vertices (np.ndarray): Arc's vertices. center_xy (Tuple[float, float]): Center of an entire contour. Returns: np.ndarray: Smoothed arc's vertices. """ rho, phi = math.cartesian2polar(vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1], *center_xy) padded_phi = np.concatenate([phi - 2 * np.pi, phi, phi + 2 * np.pi]) padded_rho = np.concatenate([rho, rho, rho]) smoothed_phi, smoothed_rho = self._smooth_array(padded_phi, padded_rho) mask = (smoothed_phi >= 0) & (smoothed_phi < 2 * np.pi) rho_smoothed, phi_smoothed = smoothed_rho[mask], smoothed_phi[mask] x_smoothed, y_smoothed = math.polar2cartesian(rho_smoothed, phi_smoothed, *center_xy) return np.column_stack([x_smoothed, y_smoothed]) def _smooth_array(self, phis: np.ndarray, rhos: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Smooth coordinates expressed in polar space. Args: phis (np.ndarray): phi values. rhos (np.ndarray): rho values. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Tuple with smoothed coordinates (phis, rhos). """ interpolated_phi = np.arange(min(phis), max(phis), np.radians(self.params.dphi)) interpolated_rho = np.interp(interpolated_phi, xp=phis, fp=rhos, period=2 * np.pi) smoothed_rho = self._rolling_median(interpolated_rho, self.kernel_offset) if len(interpolated_phi) - 1 >= self.kernel_offset * 2: smoothed_phi = interpolated_phi[self.kernel_offset : -self.kernel_offset] else: smoothed_phi = interpolated_phi return smoothed_phi, smoothed_rho def _sort_two_arrays(self, first_list: np.ndarray, second_list: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Sort both numpy arrays based on values from the first_list. Args: first_list (np.ndarray): First array. second_list (np.ndarray): Second array. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Tuple with (sorted first array, sorted second array). """ zipped_lists = zip(first_list, second_list) sorted_pairs = sorted(zipped_lists) sorted_tuples = zip(*sorted_pairs) first_list, second_list = [list(sorted_tuple) for sorted_tuple in sorted_tuples] return np.array(first_list), np.array(second_list) def _find_start_index(self, phi: np.ndarray) -> int: """Find the start index by checking the largest gap. phi needs to be sorted. Args: phi (np.ndarray): phi angle values. Raises: GeometryRefinementError: Raised if phi values are not sorted ascendingly. Returns: int: Index value. """ if not np.all((phi - np.roll(phi, 1))[1:] >= 0): raise GeometryRefinementError("Smoothing._find_start_index phi must be sorted ascendingly!") phi_tmp = np.concatenate(([phi[-1] - 2 * np.pi], phi, [phi[0] + 2 * np.pi])) phi_tmp_left_neighbor = np.roll(phi_tmp, 1) dphi = (phi_tmp - phi_tmp_left_neighbor)[1:-1] largest_gap_index = np.argmax(dphi) return int(largest_gap_index) def _rolling_median(self, signal: np.ndarray, kernel_offset: int) -> np.ndarray: """Compute rolling median of a 1D signal. Args: signal (np.ndarray): Signal values. kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Raises: GeometryRefinementError: Raised if signal is not 1D. Returns: np.ndarray: Rolling median result. """ if signal.ndim != 1: raise GeometryRefinementError("Smoothing._rolling_median only works for 1d arrays.") stacked_signals: List[np.ndarray] = [] for i in range(-kernel_offset, kernel_offset + 1): stacked_signals.append(np.roll(signal, i)) stacked_signals = np.stack(stacked_signals) rolling_median = np.median(stacked_signals, axis=0) if len(rolling_median) - 1 >= kernel_offset * 2: rolling_median = rolling_median[kernel_offset:-kernel_offset] return rolling_median