Source code for iris.nodes.iris_response_refinement.fragile_bits_refinement

from enum import Enum
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from pydantic import confloat

from iris.callbacks.callback_interface import Callback
from import Algorithm
from import IrisFilterResponse

[docs]class FragileType(str, Enum): """Makes wrapper for params.""" cartesian = "cartesian" polar = "polar"
[docs]class FragileBitRefinement(Algorithm): """Calculate fragile bits for mask. Algorithm: Thresholding by the given parameter value_threshold at each bit, set the corresponding mask response to 0 if iris response is outside the thresholds. """
[docs] class Parameters(Algorithm.Parameters): """FragileBitRefinement parameters.""" value_threshold: Tuple[confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0)] fragile_type: FragileType
__parameters_type__ = Parameters def __init__( self, value_threshold: Tuple[confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0)], fragile_type: FragileType = FragileType.polar, callbacks: List[Callback] = [], ) -> None: """Create Fragile Bit Refinement object. Args: value_threshold (Tuple[confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0), confloat(ge=0)]): Threshold at which response is strong enough such that the bit is valued as 1 in the mask. fragile_type (FragileType, optional): The Fragile bits can be either calculated in cartesian or polar coordinates. In the first, the values of value_threshold denote to x and y axis, in the case of polar coordinates, the values denote to radius and angle. Defaults to FragileType.polar. callbacks(List[Callback]): List of callbacks. Defaults to []. """ super().__init__(value_threshold=value_threshold, fragile_type=fragile_type, callbacks=callbacks)
[docs] def run(self, response: IrisFilterResponse) -> IrisFilterResponse: """Generate refined IrisFilterResponse. Args: response (IrisFilterResponse): Filter bank response Returns: IrisFilterResponse: Filter bank response. """ fragile_masks = [] for iris_response, iris_mask in zip(response.iris_responses, response.mask_responses): if self.params.fragile_type == FragileType.cartesian: mask_value_real = ( np.logical_and( np.abs(iris_response.real) >= self.params.value_threshold[0], np.abs(iris_response.real) <= self.params.value_threshold[1], ) * iris_mask.real ) mask_value_imag = ( np.logical_and( np.abs(iris_response.imag) >= self.params.value_threshold[0], np.abs(iris_response.imag) <= self.params.value_threshold[2], ) * iris_mask.imag ) if self.params.fragile_type == FragileType.polar: # transform from cartesian to polar system # radius iris_response_r = np.abs(iris_response) # angle iris_response_phi = np.angle(iris_response) # min radius mask_value_r = np.logical_and( iris_response_r >= self.params.value_threshold[0], iris_response_r <= self.params.value_threshold[1] ) # min angle away from the coordinate lines # cosine requirement: makes sure that angle is different enough from x-axis cos_mask = np.abs(np.cos(iris_response_phi)) <= np.abs(np.cos(self.params.value_threshold[2])) # sine requirement: makes sure that angle is different enough from y-axis sine_mask = np.abs(np.sin(iris_response_phi)) <= np.abs(np.cos(self.params.value_threshold[2])) # combine mask_value_real = mask_value_r * sine_mask * iris_mask.real # combine with radius mask_value_imag = mask_value_r * cos_mask * iris_mask.imag # combine with mask for response mask_value = mask_value_real + 1j * mask_value_imag fragile_masks.append(mask_value) return IrisFilterResponse( iris_responses=response.iris_responses, mask_responses=fragile_masks, iris_code_version=response.iris_code_version, )