from typing import Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from pydantic import NonNegativeInt
from import GeometryPolygons
from iris.utils import common
[docs]def generate_iris_mask(extrapolated_contours: GeometryPolygons, noise_mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate iris mask by first finding the intersection region between extrapolated iris contours and eyeball contours. Then remove from the outputted mask those pixels for which noise_mask is equal to True.
extrapolated_contours (GeometryPolygons): Iris polygon vertices.
noise_mask (np.ndarray): Noise mask.
np.ndarray: Iris mask.
img_h, img_w = noise_mask.shape[:2]
iris_mask = common.contour_to_mask(extrapolated_contours.iris_array, (img_w, img_h))
eyeball_mask = common.contour_to_mask(extrapolated_contours.eyeball_array, (img_w, img_h))
iris_mask = iris_mask & eyeball_mask
iris_mask = ~(iris_mask & noise_mask) & iris_mask
return iris_mask
[docs]def correct_orientation(
pupil_points: np.ndarray, iris_points: np.ndarray, eye_orientation: float
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Correct orientation by changing the starting angle in pupil and iris points' arrays.
pupil_points (np.ndarray): Pupil boundary points' array. NumPy array of shape (num_points = 360, xy_coords = 2).
iris_points (np.ndarray): Iris boundary points' array. NumPy array of shape (num_points = 360, xy_coords = 2).
eye_orientation (float): Eye orientation angle in radians.
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Tuple with rotated based on eye_orientation angle boundary points (pupil_points, iris_points).
orientation_angle = np.degrees(eye_orientation)
num_rotations = -round(orientation_angle * len(pupil_points) / 360.0)
pupil_points = np.roll(pupil_points, num_rotations, axis=0)
iris_points = np.roll(iris_points, num_rotations, axis=0)
return pupil_points, iris_points
[docs]def getgrids(res_in_r: NonNegativeInt, p2i_ratio: NonNegativeInt) -> np.ndarray:
"""Generate radius grids for nonlinear normalization based on p2i_ratio (pupil_to_iris ratio).
res_in_r (NonNegativeInt): Normalized image r resolution.
p2i_ratio (NonNegativeInt): pupil_to_iris ratio, range in [0,100]
np.ndarray: nonlinear sampling grids for normalization
p = [np.square(x) for x in np.arange(28, max(74 - p2i_ratio, p2i_ratio - 14), 1)]
q = p - p[0]
q = q / q[-1]
grids = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1.0, res_in_r + 1), np.linspace(0, 1.0, len(q)), q)
return grids[0:-1] + np.diff(grids) / 2
[docs]def get_pixel_or_default(
image: np.ndarray, pixel_x: float, pixel_y: float, default: Union[bool, int]
) -> Union[bool, int]:
"""Get the value of a pixel in the image 2D array.
image (np.ndarray): 2D Array.
pixel_x (float): Pixel x coordinate.
pixel_y (float): Pixel y coordinate.
default (Union[bool, int]): Default value to return when (pixel_x, pixel_y) is out-of-bounds
Union[bool, int]: Pixel value.
h, w = image.shape
x, y = int(pixel_x), int(pixel_y)
return image[y, x] if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h else default
[docs]def interpolate_pixel_intensity(image: np.ndarray, pixel_coords: Tuple[float, float]) -> float:
"""Perform bilinear interpolation to estimate pixel intensity in a given location.
image (np.ndarray): Original, not normalized image.
pixel_coords (Tuple[float, float]): Pixel coordinates.
float: Interpolated pixel intensity.
def get_interpolation_points_coords(
image: np.ndarray, pixel_x: float, pixel_y: float
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
"""Extract interpolation points coordinates.
image (np.ndarray): Original, not normalized image.
pixel_x (float): Pixel x coordinate.
pixel_y (float): Pixel y coordinate.
Tuple[float, float, float, float]: Tuple with interpolation points coordinates in a format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).
xmin, ymin = np.floor(pixel_x), np.floor(pixel_y)
xmax, ymax = np.ceil(pixel_x), np.ceil(pixel_y)
img_h, img_w = image.shape[:2]
if xmin == xmax and not xmax == img_w - 1:
xmax += 1
if xmin == xmax and xmax == img_w - 1:
xmin -= 1
if ymin == ymax and not ymax == img_h - 1:
ymax += 1
if ymin == ymax and ymax == img_h - 1:
ymin -= 1
return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
pixel_x, pixel_y = pixel_coords
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = get_interpolation_points_coords(image, pixel_x=pixel_x, pixel_y=pixel_y)
lower_left_pixel_intensity = get_pixel_or_default(image, pixel_x=xmin, pixel_y=ymax, default=0.0)
lower_right_pixel_intensity = get_pixel_or_default(image, pixel_x=xmax, pixel_y=ymax, default=0.0)
upper_left_pixel_intensity = get_pixel_or_default(image, pixel_x=xmin, pixel_y=ymin, default=0.0)
upper_right_pixel_intensity = get_pixel_or_default(image, pixel_x=xmax, pixel_y=ymin, default=0.0)
xs_differences = np.array([xmax - pixel_x, pixel_x - xmin])
neighboring_pixel_intensities = np.array(
[lower_left_pixel_intensity, upper_left_pixel_intensity],
[lower_right_pixel_intensity, upper_right_pixel_intensity],
ys_differences = np.array([[pixel_y - ymin], [ymax - pixel_y]])
pixel_intensity = np.matmul(np.matmul(xs_differences, neighboring_pixel_intensities), ys_differences)
return pixel_intensity.item()
[docs]def normalize_all(
image: np.ndarray,
iris_mask: np.ndarray,
src_points: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Normalize all points of an image using nearest neighbor.
image (np.ndarray): Original, not normalized image.
iris_mask (np.ndarray): Iris class segmentation mask.
src_points (np.ndarray): original input image points.
Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Tuple with normalized image and mask.
src_shape = src_points.shape[0:2]
src_points = np.vstack(src_points)
image_size = image.shape
src_points[src_points[:, 0] >= image_size[1], 0] = -1
src_points[src_points[:, 1] >= image_size[0], 1] = -1
normalized_image = np.array(
[image[image_xy[1], image_xy[0]] if min(image_xy) >= 0 else 0 for image_xy in src_points]
normalized_image = np.reshape(normalized_image, src_shape)
normalized_mask = np.array(
[iris_mask[image_xy[1], image_xy[0]] if min(image_xy) >= 0 else False for image_xy in src_points]
normalized_mask = np.reshape(normalized_mask, src_shape)
return normalized_image / 255.0, normalized_mask
[docs]def to_uint8(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
"""Map normalized image values from [0, 1] range to [0, 255] and cast dtype to np.uint8.
image (np.ndarray): Normalized iris.
np.ndarray: Normalized iris with modified values.
out_image = np.round(image * 255)
out_image = out_image.astype(np.uint8)
return out_image